In order to support learning in the 21st century, we envision a Robert College community whose members are purposefully engaged in ongoing learning, supported by the use of integrated technology. Our school’s faculty and staff model citizenship, leadership, critical thinking, creativity, global awareness, communication and cooperation. This culture empowers learners through a rigorous and relevant program enhanced by current and emerging technologies, and fosters responsible and ethical use of digital resources and tools.
Since 1999, our school has continuously invested in our cutting-edge technology infrastructure, including the fiber network connection, self-contained data center, one-to-one laptop program, on-campus wireless internet access, use of classroom management systems, smart screen usage and enterprise resource management software.
Educational Technologies
Learning Management System: During the 2012-2013 academic year, Haiku, a course management system, was introduced to teachers. With the launch of the Google Apps education edition in March 2012, Google Classroom has also been actively used by teachers as a learning management system.
Educational Software: A growing number of educational software solutions are being used by all departments to integrate technology into lessons.
Professional Development: In order to keep faculty and staff up to date on the latest changes in technology, the Educational Technology Department organizes workshops throughout the academic year. Faculty and staff receive help in the following areas:
- Professional development opportunities that support the curriculum and focus on the school’s priorities
- Ensuring that teachers’ technology knowledge and skills are updated regularly
- Creating opportunities to discuss and reflect on what they have learned
- Teach teachers to specialize in information transfer and mentoring among colleagues.
User Policies: The Responsible Use and Network Use policies provide students and staff with guidelines for using technology systems in the school. These policies are regularly updated and posted on the intranet.
Feedback: Two committees of teachers and students meet regularly to ensure that daily technology needs and the school’s technology vision are kept up-to-date. These committees make sure in-house knowledge of topics such as educational technology and technology integration remains current. In addition they also ensure the demands, expectations and suggestions of their colleagues are addressed and implemented.
Technology Infrastructure
Robert College installed its modern, structured local area network in 1999 and updated its infrastructure with emerging technologies over time. Wireless access was also added to the network (2004). Our school established and operates an independent data center on campus. The data center uses current infrastructure technologies such as data center virtualization and cloud computing in the context of corporate requirements.
One-to-One Laptop Program
Through this program teachers have been using laptops in their daily school life since 2004, with students beginning to use laptops in the classroom in 2011. Ongoing support is provided by the school’s information technology team, including the Student Tech Crew who are able to quickly resolve tech issues that occur during class. In addition, there are private computer labs to support both the art department and the film and literature programs.
Enterprise Resource Management
The software team within the Information Technology Department has developed and implemented an enterprise resource management software package for Robert College. Many functions are managed through this digital platform, from security, personal development management, student information management, graduate relationship management and corporate information network management, to school pre-registration, curriculum, donation management and alumni relations. All solutions have been implemented through the combination of Robert College's accumulation of knowledge over the years, together with the latest technology and and input from process owners in different areas.