The Office of Environmental Education at Robert College seeks to engage all members of the RC community in learning about their relationship with the natural world and the impact of their choices on the world. For students, this happens in the classroom, as well as through civic involvement projects, co-curricular activities or simply as people who spend a good part of each day on the RC campus. For staff, faculty and visitors, we hope to learn about and encourage environmentally sustainable choices on and off campus.
Through environmental education, students and other members of the RC community can come to appreciate the complex interconnections that link humans to the rest of the world. With understanding, it is hoped, comes a sense of responsibility and care for that world.
Robert College Journal of Environmental Education
Check out our first issue to see what’s happening inside and outside the classroom and to find inspiration for environmental action. You’ll find articles on environmental education across the curriculum, as well as stories about beekeeping, aquaponics and gardening, just to name a few. Articles include live QR codes to take you to a wealth of outside resources.
The next issue to be published in the spring of 2023 will focus on the the campus as a living learning space. A more detailed call for contributions will go out in the fall. We welcome suggestions and look forward to receiving your contributions for our next issue.
You can reach us with comments or questions at this address: