Well-being program is introduced at Robert College, in 2019. Alongside The Head of Counseling, five other members of faculty currently teach well-being classes to LP and L09 year groups with plans to extend the program to further levels in the near future. This is an ungraded course where the students meet with their well-being teachers once a week.
The well-being program aims to equip all Robert College students with skills which will help them proactively take care of their physical and mental well-being. Our approach begins with a focus on the individual, targeting physical well-being elements such as healthy nutrition and exercise however extends into mental well-being highlighting the protective value of meditative spaces and experiences and moving on with a focus on passions and curiosity hoping to support our students in fine tuning their aspirations so that they are not only successful but more importantly happy, healthy and satisfied with their life experiences. Our program finally emphasizes healthy relationships, connections and community well-being since we recognize that well-being is only sustainable in a community which prioritizes well-being as a whole in harmony.