KODA Empowers the Learning Community

“I feel grateful that RC gave me such a good basis to interpret the world.”

Mine Ekinci RC 09 is the founder and coordinator of Köy Okulları Değişim Ağı (KODA - Rural Schools Transformation Network).  

How did KODA come into being?

I always wanted to work for a more just society. I was accepted to the International Education Policy master’s program at Harvard, where I focused on rural education. I understood the deep need in Turkey to increase the quality of education in rural areas. I met some wonderful people during this period, who supported me to start KODA. We established it just six months after I returned from the US. 

What are KODA’s strategies? 

KODA has two main strategies: To produce new educational programs and tools designed for rural areas and to empower the teachers, families and all other adults around children living in rural areas so they can be more supportive in the children’s education journey 

How did your education at RC impact your work?

What a privilege it was to grow in an environment where you are respected and are constantly inspired. Learning English, art history, poetry and cinema brought different perspectives into my life. Leading and participating in two CIPs at RC were among my first volunteering experiences. I was the editor of our Turkish literature magazine Martı, which helped me gain leadership skills. Lastly, I loved our history and geography classes. I feel grateful that RC gave me such a good basis to interpret the world.

Published February 2022

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